Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A home makers thoughts

 When I struggle to cope with the shooting price of commodities and devise strategies to cut cost without compromising the quality I fell into a reverie and nostalgic memories of opulence and abundance experienced working abroad ten years back makes me dizzy and I realise with little pity that all these ten years I have not made much progress with regard to upgrading my mindset though we upgraded our closet, kitchen, work area, toilet very much feeling aghast at the wages we paid for it. I wonder whether to cry or laugh when I check the dwindling amount got upon selling our five cents of land bought with lot of passion and imagination to build a Larry Baker model low cost house in the year 2008, and I feel a sense of gratitude to my late mother in law when I see our two kids playing and make noises around the house that she fondly built for her son and daughter and then I feel even the wind that blows in the direction where she built her spa room is divine (though I had to pay Rs 1500 upon constant bargaining with the snake charmer funnily enough) who came to catch the snake who must have come enquiring if any massage is available though my mother in law stopped treating patient in the spa room long back. Then I admiringly look at the mango saplings,passion fruits ,papaya,apple and the hibiscus trees that I planted near the well,somehow superstitiously I wish to give the credit to the eastern direction it bloom brought the sweeping victory of congress this Loksabha election.

I keep writing the steps to save money and crack my brain over frugal living and with a note on inviting your views on money saving tips on running family of two kids who goes to a prestigious private School I would like to use this opportunity to ask you for any freelancing content writing assignments that could be done along my home maker responsibilities. Lovingly and with lot of affection sans any frugality yours Shabnam,Shabbu,shabna, Shabina Sanad,Shabina Nujuma  honey & Sunshine......pls don't laught out loud hearing this many names

Sunday, December 10, 2023

My doubts and thoughts

 Why we fail to see the beauty of Islam and degrade ourselves to follow practices that are forbidden 

Can an already dead Maulavi or mufti in grave do any magic and create any change in your life? Is it Islamic practice to sell things inside a holy place and do barbaric acts of tying the sick(rather than taking the patient to a hospital and figure out remedy for his ailment)? What kind of business psychology is applied to loot the innocent and ignorant people who seek spiritual healing at such fraud Islamic clergies?The almighty God sent Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam to enlighten and guide the people to noor(light) from darkness.

Kerala is a state known for religious harmony because of high literacy and intellectual rate,we boast about our natural resources and harmonious lifestyle. Yet we notice exploitation of ignorance, Islam upheld the fundamental principles of tolerance,love compassion and justice in every aspects of one's life,Islam encourage everyone to choose their  career,family and to engage in social work and make others life better.

 In Kerala we do have Islamic Scholars like Abdul Gaffar Moulavi and Noushadh Bakhavi who do their best to clear doubts from the minds of believers through their books and TV programms. While I was in college I used to attend Quran translation classes conducted by Muslim Association and I remember and try not to follow practising shirk.I fondly remember my English Literature Professor Velappan Sir who never took tuition fee from me as he knew that my father had a business collapse and only one earning member at that time was my brother who used to work abroad and provided for us and I used to take tuition for kids and attend my college,it would be unfair if I don't mention my first boss as well he is a Dedicated Christian yet provided my Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management course on Staff quota and gave editorial duties as well and it did help my parents less stress on marrying me off to my husband with the humble dowry. We both woked abroad met really awesome personalities,appreciated and enjoyed the lifestyle,but now after losing my apple iPad and Facebook hacking ,I feel people have prejudices when they see a person in Islamic attire,what are your take on this issue? Is all God fearing people are terrorists or what?kindly enlighten me with your thoughts ...with lots of love , harmony and smile Shabina Sanad

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dream of a new world order where no war ever happen

 when listening and reading  the news about the loss of innocent lives, being a mother could not help thinking about a world where peace reign instead of war. No matter what cast or creed or colour one is born with life is precious and it should be cherished for a better cause that is love and passion and the right to live not in fear but in dignity and honour. Recently I happened to watch the movie Forrest Gump again and I cried my heart out the movie itself makes it clear that around the globe the intensity of emotions and human relationships are almost the same. The pain and gain game intrigues me and I pray world leaders should come forward to stop wars through peaceful measures. In order to make sure that we are not shedding crocodile tears we should extend our hands of support and love to those who suffer and when each like minded thoughts and good wishes multiplies and reach out it could create impact and can save the world from downfall and shame. Charles Dicken's Tale of Two Cities starts with the words It was the best of Times and It was the worst of Times, similarly I have seen the luxuries of life and seen the vulnerable sides of life, from my humble life experiences , trials fun  and adventure I wish happiness and good vibes splendid childhood for all the  kids around the world indeed, lets pray for a peaceful world, where serenity, love, passion, trust and better education options always be at hand for everyone.


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Parenting mantra amid pandemic

Hi friends, we are all waging a war against the pandemic staying home more and observing covid protocol to stop further spread. Parenting style too is getting a newer dimension. Our home is our new world, gadgets our aid to educate the new generation. How effectively we can leverage and overcome the hurdles as part of the system lies mostly on ourselves.Finding a perfect balance and synergy keeping all the financial, social, health uncertainties at bay requires lot of patience and hard work from parents. It is indeed the test of time to mould parents into better person. We realise now that all cast creed power feel equally vulnerable in front of the virus and more and more people are realising what it means to lend a helping hand to those who deserve humanity. Let's hope and pray that the almighty would guide us to bring up our kids with due dedication,inculcating value, love, laughter, affection, empathy utilising both nature's and technologies resources smartly. Do share your views and experiences and enlighten us. Sending flying virtual kisses with two masks on with lots of love and prayers

Saturday, June 15, 2019

For my stubborn kingfisher

Hey wicked yet sweet birdie I almost finished decorating our nest Did throw all reminiscense of ur vices Bring honey instead of wine for the little birdies and a rose for ur devilish critic Lets start a brand new mallu story my love sarcastically and unapologetically urs she kingfisher

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


He was like the flames out from the burning fire He was like a strong wind so difficult to harness He was like the tapping of the torrent rain....... And she like an innocent child Wanted to touch and feel the depths of the elements She knew there is a spot as melting as a candle, as soft as a gentle breeze and as moist as dew drops Ready to give comfort and protection spreading light, fragrance and freshness to her soul....... When she tried to reach for the flames he hid himself in the day When she tried to embrace the wind he blown himself away When she tried to hold the rain drops he poured himself out in the wasteland And one sober day He vanished mysteriously Leaving her perplexed and lonely She searched her soul to find The answer to the puzzle or riddle...... Seasons passed and on a bright morning Like a prince, emerged her beloved other half mirroring her old buddy And blessed her life forever.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Iam a stone

Iam a stone I search for the hands that once tickled me and caressed me fondly You Rain and Fire! How can i forget you who put fire on my emotions a thousand times How can i forget you who rained on me a hundred times to the tune and dance of gentle breeze I go weak yet i get up to regain my confidence When you were giving pleasure to your eyes my heart the stones heart was bleeding Iam fully a stone now I touched the rain drops and gazed in awe at the red dots of fire I dwelve deep to find A touch of love A word of care A smile of naughtiness A gist of giggle I can forgive the betrayal Take away the harshness And dubious chauvanism Deliberate attempts of jealousy creation The love is lost but iam not lost Iam a forgiving stone Come back to me clean and fresh Iam waiting