Friday, November 29, 2024

Kitchen hacks to the real hackers


A big hi to all my friends and well wishers, today my mother's call and her constant nagging about the new generation kids indifference to validate elders wishes and her pure love for her grand kids made me write few lines. She used to be a supermom though how erratic and undisciplined my dad turned out to be with regard to the properties and land my dad inherited from his father who was a supervisor at the airport in Singapore.

Though his many moves were a fiasco he found the perfect match for me and my brother before his demise and I still adore him and remember the fond memories of him and his ancestral home and the coastal village life once we led, I  eagerly share the nostalgic memories with my two kids very much creating the place a fantasy world to them. When last day I had to resort to a thugs role to beat up my kids who were ruthlessly fighting for the remote after picking the fight over the sketch pencil whom one had opened and kept in another place rousing suspicion in another's mind, though I played the part of referee bit violently and felt guilty for the inappropriate words I used to calm the scene I laughed inside as I remembered the number of whacks I received from my mother for the pranks I did along with my siblings at home. I often ask myself as what kind of parenting style we should follow as my parents followed the helicopter parenting very much keeping our decisions known to them and I still open up minute details to mom very much to the chagrin of my husband and it did prove right sometimes as recently my procastinated wish of taking up license got crashed.  Was that the Driving Institute fooled me with the confusion over sensor and rope test disparity or was it the middle aged brain of me got confused over gear shifting my super ego of a quick learners capacity make faces and grin at me. (my mother in law who is a Doctor advised me to go for driving lessons in the year 2005 still I wish what if I would have listened to her and laddoos crack over my head when I think about the amount I could have saved on uber) 

Here's a quick kitchen hacks for the real hackers who hacks my emails and Facebook very much stealing my creativity that could have been used in the kitchen to make healthy and nutritious meals to keep the mind and body agile. Jokes apart do try to make the tea in the scientist way the number one hack to start the day the healthier way.  Do boil water or milk and turn off the stove then add tea keep the lid on wait for few minutes then pour tea and add sugar, the healthy tea with all nutrition and anti oxidant is ready ( scientist s would vouch that boiling tea and sugar causes chemical reactions very much causing loss of nutrients. Next hack is using jaggery instead of sugar if you have anaemic issues.(ideal for kids to stick to less sugar intake and keeping obesity at bay) Next is regular exercise and dehydration, hack three is reading and listening to Nature and Music for a clearer sharper mindset.

For the real hackers out there I really wish to hear from you as how would you be feeling when you invade someone's personal space and learn all about them without their consent? Didn't you ever feel any ethical dilemmas? I invite your views and take on the matter. With regard to parenting I would love to hear from you mostly I adopt the role of a friend rather than a disciplinarian and I enjoy and muse over their innovative and innocent ideas after listening to them. To bring more sunshine to your life do you have  more  tips to reveal, if so I would love to hear from you.  With lots of motherly  love and empathising with the loving mother's out there yours Shabna