Sunday, February 23, 2025

Please remeber us in your prayers

 How could you patch up with friends and relatives who misjudged you by observing the snippets of your glorious career phase that faded into oblivion by your own IT investigation and over blunt remarks on social media (mostly boasting opulence and luxury in reality myself and Sanad were always struggling to survive)

How could you remove the clouds of disbelief (as my father's sister gifted my sister a Honda Amaze on her wedding day, it was a decent and fat Muslim wedding as my mother sold her 4 cents of land gifted to her by her husband's sister to build a house of her own and to lead a dignified life after my father's demise yet selflessly she sold it to meet my sister's marriage expense   (as my father came to Trivandrum from his ancestral home in Paravoor Kollam in the year 1994 and disposed the house he built in Pravachambalam in the year 1996 ) and from 1996 till 2025 my mom has been living in rented house thanks to my artist NRI brothers efforts and sacrifice we were able to overcome many difficult phases. So I keep asking myself the question is that me who created confusion and unnecessary competition among our cousins and siblings? Does someone felt like teaching us modesty and empathy when I was on a blocking spree when I suspected hacking ?Does someone wanted to make us mellow down as we all inherited bit of domineering and adamant nature guess it's creative people's birthright to be different from the rest. Anyway my mother got sick all of a sudden and she is in pain and worried over lot of issues including the hospital bills, shamelessly as always ,the secret reporter of family ego clashes and emotions yours Shabina Sanad hope and pray that Iam not hurting your egos anymore

Monday, February 17, 2025

My fairy kitchen tales in the time of gloom

 My incessant efforts to figure out a solution for the dispute with regard to my husband's mother's properties led me to the religious scholars in our  mosque as I reasoned out they could alleviate the confusion of an expat Indian lady who parted with the 5 cents of land to honor the debts here and abroad. Even after proof reading and editing the content with my mother highlighting all the points of loot and injustice happened  (who is also funnilly a similar victim having a spoiled husband and weathered the storm gracefully allalong) I received a cold response  (very much stressing the influence they must have played to change the version of the content presented) I pondered over other issues making me lose temper and sleep unnecessarily. It was none other than two rats who regularly make a visit to our kitchen through the airhole, we have been sharing a special bond as we both know what to expect each day some sort of extra sensory perception perse. Sometimes I deliberately keep the lid open for certain food for them to indulge, sometimes I change the position and place of the things they are sure to encroach, so they anticipate and I too anticipate their different moves, as I finally made a decision to close their entry by closing the airhole I felt a bit of triumph somewhat like you sense when you blocked the hackers (though I asked my son to take a watch as I daringly jumped off the wall to do the task) my very old kitchen witnessed my rain of tears as I got drenched in tears upon hearing the demise of my mother's sister, the very kitchen tap unintentionally I broke when I angrily thrown plates on the sink upon listening to an unfair financial talk about the
laptop we bought to find out content writing work. My husband came to the rescue and fixed the tap in no time with the plumber. I try to cheer myself up by doing yoga, five times prayer, gardening and spending time with kids and the cat family who give us company other than my mother's remote advises, funnily ,gloomily yet cheerfully yours Shabina Sanad